What happens out in the lots, stays out in the lots.
After the longest period in many of our lives without access to any live sports whatsoever, plenty of sports fans seem to be having the same revelation — a lot of our identity revolves around sports, our favorite players, and our chosen teams. This may not exactly be news to a lot of us, but […]
My body is my own. I do not have a choice but to live here, thus I must do what I understand to be best. So, when a controlling jerk (like Mike Pence, one of endless examples) who would limit women’s rights to do that is described as compassionate or “a decent person,” it hits […]
At a recent family reunion, I fielded a good amount of questions about my personal life. I’m 22, single and in college. The conversation started out casually and ended right where it always does…
Mascara is my refuse-to-live-without-it makeup product.
My newest makeup obsession stems from laziness.
After nearly 26 years of being a female human, I’m pretty immune to the typical “damn, girl” catcall.