What do two people named Emily have in common other than a name? A love of sports, wine, and talking about both. With backgrounds working in the sports industry, they’re here to give you all of their thoughts from the field to Twitter, and everything in between; dating, pop culture, and wine recommendations.
Listeners, we heard your requests for a corks heavy episode and we were here for it. Emily and Emily bring you wine pairings for savory foods and desserts. They give tips on shopping for wine and book recommendations (name a better duo than a good book and a glass of wine). They even talk about Cork, Ireland (because a corks heavy episode wouldn’t be complete without Cork, Ireland). They of course have hot takes, wine picks and Bigger Than Sports. .
Wine pairing resources:
Emily J Twitter – https://twitter.com/emily_shaleen
Emily C Twitter – https://twitter.com/emilproblems
Sports & Corks Twitter – https://twitter.com/SportsCorks
The Tailgate Society Twitter – https://twitter.com/tgatesocietyYou can email Emily and Emily at sportsandcorks@gmail.com