After months of online speculation and begging from comic book movie fans worldwide, Marvel Studios released the first trailer for their highly anticipated film Avengers: Infinity War. Some writers from The Tailgate Society were tasked with giving their first reactions to the footage. Links to their Twitter handles are included so you can tell them how wrong or right they are. Let’s get to it.
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Tweet length review of trailer
10 years and 18 movies leading up to this moment. Nothing like this has been done in cinema before. Shut up and take my money.
Three most likely to die in movie
Vision, Black Widow, Rogers.
Vision has an Infinity Gem so he’s already a goner for Thanos’ plan to succeed. His death will obviously affect Scarlet Witch. I go back and forth on either Hawkeye or Black Widow dying because I don’t see both of them making it. Obviously, either death would greatly impact the other. Plus I kind of like the idea of a guy with a bow and arrow surviving these crazy, universe-altering events. I think Steve Rogers will be the most heartbreaking but at the same time allow for Bucky/Winter Soldier to step up and carry on his cause – thus completing his redemption arc.
If they die I riot
Stark, Loki, Banner/Hulk
While they’ve hinted at Tony getting killed, I just don’t see Feige and Co. killing off one of their most popular characters. RDJ’s performance as Stark and the success of the first Iron Man is why we get to have this movie. The first Iron Man still occupies a fond place in my heart and I’ll riot if Tony is killed. Hiddleston’s Loki steals every scene he’s in and is such a fun character in these film, especially this month’s Thor: Ragnarok. If he dies, I will riot. Speaking of Thor, Banner/Hulk has never been better and after striking out with Bana and Norton as Bruce, Ruffalo is by far the best of them. Also, I need to see Hulk and Drax team up and destroy everything at some point. If Banner/Hulk dies, I will riot.
And best moment of the trailer
That shot of Spidey in his new suit landing on that…whatever that is.
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Dark and poignant, definitely draws you in. Really feels like a goodbye montage, implying that beloved characters are headed to their doom (which has long believed to be the case). I’m not even much of a Marvel fan but it’s hard not to be relatively excited after seeing this.
Three most likely to die in movie
Vision, Hawkeye, Tony Stark
If they die I riot
I won’t lose sleep over any character death, though I’d prefer Dr Strange be eliminated immediately (being that he’s one of the worst superheroes of all time).
And best moment of the trailer
Thor’s encounter with the Guardians at the close.
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Tweet length review of trailer
Marvel puts all its eggs in one basket as the culmination of 10 years worth of films begins with a bang. All (or most) of your favorite heroes are here–but who will survive in the end?
Three most likely to die in movie
Captain America, Iron Man, Vision. Vision because of the infinity stone in his head, the other two because contracts.
Black Panther. If T’Challa dies (which he won’t because sequels) Marvel Studios is dead to me.
And best moment of the trailer
This gif. I got emotional.
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Tweet length review of trailer
Wow, the build-up in the beginning with the voiceovers just keeps going and going. BOOM–Loki brings Thanos SOMEWHERE, is it Earth? Is it somewhere else? It appears Thanos is in control of the Power Stone (Purple) and the Space Stone (Blue/Tesseract). We see Thanos pulling the Mind Stone (Yellow) out of Vision but we never see that actual stone in the Infinity Gauntlet. Also, Vision in normal clothes? Cap is back with a “No Shave November” level beard. Cap and Bucky fighting together…holy shit. We see Tony in Hulkbuster armor, but never in his normal armor; sup with that? The scope and cinematography looks UNREAL. TAKE MY MONEY!!!! Major prediction: Dr. Strange will play a BIG part in the next 2 Avengers movies.
[Editor’s note: Even with Twitter’s recent expansion to 728 characters, this review still exceeds that limit by 4 characters. Sorry Pete, you almost made it.]
Three most likely to die in movie
1. Cap 2. Tony 3. Vision. Although with Dr. Strange and the Time Stone, I would not be surprised if he were to bring any of them back in Avengers 4
If they die I riot
If Spider-Man dies, I riot, but there’s no way that’s gonna happen (I hope). Tom Holland is the best cast Spider-Man we’ve had so far
And best moment of the trailer
Best part has to be the shot of Cap leading the charge with Bucky, Black Widow, Hulk, Okoye, Black Panther, Falcon, and I think War Machine?
Also, the music was FANTASTIC
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Tweet length review of trailer
The buildup for this movie has been unreal; I now get why everybody went insane at Comic-Con. DC, it’s game over man.
Three most likely to die in movie
Black Widow, Hawkeye, Vision
If they die I riot
Iron Man, Black Panther, Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor
And best moment of the trailer
Black Panther telling someone to get Captain America his shield.
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Tweet length review of trailer
Kelby didn’t have a review
Three most likely to die in movie
Iron Man’s going on like 60, so it’s probably his time. Thor as a character has gotten tired and I’m not sure his character has any more room for growth. Black Widow will probably die because Marvel hates us. (Low key, I hope Loki dies, too. Sorry that’s four.)
If Sam dies I will RIOT and set a couch on fire because he is a sweet baby angel. If Hawkeye dies I will riot and set a dumpster on fire because he’s the only Avenger who’s fully human, no genetic mutation experiments, no money-as-a-super-power. He’s just pure talent.
And best moment of the trailer
The final like two seconds when the Guardians of the Galaxy crew show up and Thor’s like “?????” It was funny because sometimes it’s easy to forget these storylines are all happening in the same universe.
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Ted Flint
Tweet length review of trailer
Can’t wait, I will be there opening day, but heroes need to die and stay dead in this film so the Marvel Cinematic Universe can move on to other heroes and other stories, Some can retire but there needs to be death (as much as it sucks) in order for the stakes to be raised.
Three most likely to die in movie
Captain America. Iron Man, because I think after Spider-Man: Homecoming he becomes the Uncle Ben figure to Peter Parker and his death would really hammer home how hard of a life Peter has. And I think Hulk dies to save a bunch of people. Bonus: I see no way in which Loki survives this movie.
Hulk; I think they might kill Hulk but I will be really upset if it happens.
And best moment of the trailer
They didn’t show Peter Parker’s spidey sense in Homecoming so seeing it show up in this movie brought glee to my heart.
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