Can you believe this weather we’re having? Is anyone else tired of hearing that already? Well we’re all going to burn this summer, so enjoy it while it lasts! Totally kidding. I hope you had a great Monday, and enjoy this week’s finds!
Not only is this dude on the market for a new motorbike, I’m guessing he had to find some new jockey shorts as well.
This was just an awesome video. I’m sure you’ve seen it, but it’s too good not to include.
doc emrick calls the rat getting thrown out of a house
— Ron Konkoma (@andymoney69) February 18, 2017
Simply hilarious, or poor taste?
This just seems like the best invention I’ve seen in quite some time. Super duper invention!
Her: “Why don’t you come over?”
Him: “Well it’s flooding pretty badly right now.”
Her: “Well my parents are gone and we have pizza rolls!”
Him: “Say no more!”
This is some disaster movie bullshit right here.
I’m a huge chickenshit when it comes to stuff like this, but holy crap this made my palms sweat.
Again, why is this a thing? Are we this goddamn bored with life?
Now that winter is over, this is my goal for next year. What a badass outfit.
Robert Peary ready for some arctic exploration in 1909.
— Weird History (@weird_hist) February 15, 2017
This horse-man is really into fitness it seems.
Oh man, this is just a crushing display of not lifting with our legs. You’ve got to get down low my man.
Get’s legs cut off in 3…2…
“Hey Ricky, hold my beer man!”
This has to be from a movie or something. Still, if it’s not, how drunk was this dude?
Dude just can’t seem to figure out driving a moped. from WTF
I flipped out when I found this one…
And here is your weekly amazing earth pic. I mean this is just incredible.
Canyonlands National Park [OC] – [5833 x 3889] from EarthPorn